Nigeria – NG008A
Composition: Soft rock
Colour: Mixed
Shape: Raw
Rather hard, it melts in the mouth slowly. Breaks into flakes, not creamy at all. Smoky, tastes like a candy rock.
Ulo was obtained during a field trip in Nigeria at Oyingbo market in Lagos in March 2019. Oyingbo market is an ultramodern market complex, one of the oldest and busiest in Lagos, and contributing to a large part of the local economy. Ulo was sold along with other edible earth snacks, such as nzu.
Ulo is a type of earth originating in Western Africa. It is usually darker and more multicoloured than nzu or calabash chalk. Ulo dissolves into a paste when it is mixed with water. Some people use this paste for medical or cosmetic benefits, such as treating rashes and acne or as a hair mask. Ulo has been used to remove impurities on the skin, such as oils, and toxins from the body for thousands of years. Some people also add it to foods or drinks with the aim of relieving digestive issues or removing toxins from the body. This sample contains natural minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron, as well as montmorillonite minerals.
Ulo is formed from volcanic ash. It gets its name from Fort Eastern Nigeria, where it occurs in large amounts. People can also find this clay in other places.
● ‘Ulo clay: Top 10 benefits and uses’, Austere, by chuks (English), accessed on 16/06/2022 ooduarere.com
● ‘Ulo/Nzu and Pregnancy: 15 Reasons Pregnant Women should not eat Nzu (Calabash chalk)’,
Nimed Health, by Udomoh Eshemokha (English), accessed on 16/06/2022 nimedhealth.com.ng
● ‘Health Implications Of Eating Ulo And Nzu(Geophagy)’, Opera News, by MarlianFans (En-
glish), accessed on 16/06/2022 ng.opera.news
starts soft but a really nice and stronger aftertaste
I don’t like it. It tastes unnatural. It tastes like a medicine
This one takes a bit of work, like a candy rock
You can break it off like chips. It is fun to break it with your teeth.. as opposed to what one might ask?!
A residual oral clay spread with a lingering attachment to the earth. It’s such a play
Фундук / hazelnut
Очень вкусно. Я фанатею. Под кофе замечательно такое заточить
Smoky with a BBQ flavour. With a very nice texture of breaking. It breaks in flakes, which is a very nice sensation in the mouth. This is nice
Cold chocolate
Soft texture, doesn’t leave any gritty residue. The flavour is warm and subtle.
it tasted like dry clay, a taste I remember from when I was a kid playing with clay at school. Good to be paired with rucola, mustard and pomegranate vinegar
No grainy. It is nutty. If you suck on it, it’s a lot better. You can put it on top of meat during BBQ. It will be crazy. I like this one. Sticks on my lip. It is grilled chicken.
gvkujtgfnggjgjuuibkkklhmmnbvcgugngugightmfyfutjfgdrgur hkhiiuiikhlnhjkkmhkkjkllllhjyjjhbggbv
It’s quite smoky and crunchy, not as hard as I thought it would be.