Suriname – SR010A
Composition: Clay
Colour: Mixed
Shape: Raw
In a number of countries all over the world, soil eating is a common cultural, spiritual or healing practice. In particular, this tradition is present in Suriname. Apart from being an important part of Winti, Pemba (or Pimba) is an intrinsic component of the culture, as people often eat it as a snack. Especially, Pemba is often consumed by (pregnant) women. Creamy, earthy, fine grit, natural edible shaped clay, lightly smoked, with a hint of sour. This is the authentic Pemba, a treasured secret recipe from Suriname.
To read more about our adventures with the Pemba:
It absorbs liquids very fast, and makes the mouth dry right away
It is like a paste
I recommend it with rose salt during the exhibition at Diptych
Gentle, but I do not like the taste. Only the structure
It is very soft. And humid
I don’t like it so much
Гармония / harmony
Минерал / mineral
Пыль / dust
Сливочное масло / butter
Галька / pebbles
Сливочный / creamy
Миндаль / almond
Грецкий орех / walnut
Вкусненько, советую : ) / it is tasty, recommended !
Мягкая, густая, сочная текстура, похоже, действительно, на орех
Very airy. Like toothpaste. It melts in the mouth. The taste is not too strong.
It tastes like an ice cube… Of a dirty water?
Похоже на манку (semolina)
It does taste good. It tastes a little bit like candy. It tastes gentle
Condensed milk. Sticky corn stretch. Melts in the mouth