Nigeria – NG007A
Composition: Clay
Colour: Grey
Shape: Shaped
Crunchy, crispy, melts into a buttery creamy texture, strong taste that remains,slightly salty and sour.
This sample was obtained during a field trip to Nigeria. It was purchased at Oyingbo market in Lagos in March 2019. Nzu is sold as an edible clay snack. It consists of clay mixed with spices and salt, which is afterwards smoked.
Nzu, or calabash chalk is an edible clay that is found mainly in Nigeria and other West African
countries. The common name is calabash chalk. However, in Nigeria, people often refer
to it as nzu in igbo. It is also called ndom in Efik/Ibibio and eko in Bini/Edo language. Although nzu is predominantly eaten by pregnant women as a cure for nausea, many other people consume it for eating pleasure.
Nzu is also used spiritually, in various ceremonies and rituals, from birth to death.
Some research shows that nzu can contain toxic substances. The major component of
calabash chalk is aluminium silicate hydroxide. It also contains an excessive amount of lead.
In fact, the amount of lead in food should not exceed 1 mg/kg, but the amount of lead
present in calabash chalk has been reported to be between 10–50 mg/kg. Other substances
present in calabash chalk include aluminium, organic pollutants, silicon, iron, alpha lindane, chromium, arsenic endrin, and endosulfan 11.
● ‘Everything You Need to Know About Nzu (Calabash Chalk)’, HealthGuide, by Collins Nwokolo (English), accessed on 15/06/2022
● ‘Nzu, orhue, sacred chalk’, Re-Entanglements, by Paul Basu and Glory Chika-Kanu, (English), accessed on 15/06/2022
● ‘Edible clay, Nzu or calabash chalk contains toxic substances’, Medicdrive, by Dr Grace Eneh (English), accessed on 15/06/2022
Salty, bitter, a bit sour, mouth watering. It is spiced. Weird rounded rocks.
Concrete outdoor. The one you lick when it rains. Crispy. Dry. It is like a train rail.
I feel like I am in a cave, which is ventilated. Crunch is still in my mouth.
It has a chalky taste.
It has a strong taste
You definitely gat the ash and smoky
The clay melts as a kind of mud in your mouth and collided with the alcohol flavours. I thought it was pretty special experience and sensation.
it stays long in your mouth, going from powder to mud, to a dry sensation in your cheeks
For the exhibition at Kunstkamers, more information:
Неожиданно для себя мы узнали, что землю можно использовать вместо соли. И этот образец земли именно такой. Сначала она по вкусу именно соленая, в процессе появляется ярко выраженный сливочный или маслянистый вкус, а послевкусие у нее такое как будто побывал на ферме! Очень крутой спектр вкусов и ощущений у этой земли!
black salt, which is often used in Indian kitchen. It is like volcano eruption, sulfurised salt. It tastes a little like egg
very tasty. could be worked into a dish
It has a strong aftertaste. The soil is already gone, but the taste stays
the name of the salt I mentioned (one of the soils reminded me of its taste, less strong though) is Kala Namak, or Himalayan Black Salt. See:
D only thing that brightens my mood when am sad, tired or angry. I feel like am in paradise wheneva i eat it. I love it crunchy, yummy.
muito gostoso, salgado. tem gosto de amendoim
Esse tem um gosto mais salgado, lembra um pouco amendoim salgado
nice one
Tem gostinho de salgado, como se fosse um lanche mesmo.
Salty, tasty, like peanuts