Russia – RU049A
Composition: Clay
Colour: Mixed
Shape: Raw
The Jasper Clay has a beautiful red color and is soft, practically does not crunch. It dissolves immediately into gruel. The taste is sweet and dusty. Smooth bits, bites effortlessly, with a dull crunch, and at first soft grains and dissolves immediately. It originates in the Orenburg region.
almost no crunch · beautiful · calcium · comfortable · dissolves fast · dough · dusty · foamy · granola · hard · metal · muddy · protection · rain · safety · smooth · soft · soothing · sweet · travelling · vanilla · warm · warm dish in winter
Very lovely texture to bite, vanilla taste, reminds me of raw cookie dough
Dit smaakt een beetje naar schuim/calcium. Heeft een harde korrelige structuur
Amazing that clay can taste fresh, like fresh water.
I choose it by colour, so soft, warm and a bit chalky. On my tongue its first cold-ish metal. and than its travelling, a warmer taste, still metaly, but also like a warm dish in winter, very soothing and comfortabel. The earth taste like there is a layer on top and a layer underneath. So very protected. I guess I taste protection and safety. Its also a transition of metal to muddy. My tongue, moth wished it can take a big portion; just to see if you can make a small clay “sculture” in my mouth.