France – FR002A
Composition: Clay
Colour: Green
Shape: Raw
Deep, fat taste of swamp with a sticky. A little grainy texture, sticky to the tongue.
French green clay was purchased in a health store in Amsterdam. It has been a part of the collection of the Museum of Edible Earth since 2013.
This extra fine clay comes from a natural quarry located in Auvergne, France. The clay is pure, with no rocky veins going through it. It can be dried in an oven or under the sun. It is used for external cosmetic treatments as well as some internal applications. The recipe was already used in Ancient Rome to treat a variety of skin problems and digestive disorders.
In spite of the notification ‘for external use only’ on the package, the seller in the shop explained that a lot of customers do actually buy this clay for internal use. Apparently in the past it was sold as a food supplement indeed, but with the new regulations of the European Union the product has lost this status.
French green clay includes a mineral known as montmorillonite, as well as dolomite, magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, aluminum, silicon, copper, selenium and cobalt.
● ‘5 bonnes raisons d’opter pour une cure d’argile’, Magazine Sens & Santé, by Sophie Vande
Kerkhove, France (French), accessed on 30/01/2022
● Argile verte surfine 1kg, Argiletz, online shop, France (French), accessed on 30/01/2022
Large particles. Sticky. Tastes like a swamp. Deep smell. Dissolved in the mouth slowly. Little rocks might be in it
die deutsche Erde hat nicht gut geschmeckt.Die anderen haben einigermassen gut geschmeckt.
verstehe ich
find ich auch
Deep and sort of wet? Texture is a little grainy, but lovely.
Yesterday we had an amazing session of clay / salt dialogue in Diptych
Tasting clay for the first time
Taste of the childhood
it is not that tasty
Green / big clump – sharp initial taste grabs my attention, the clay feels heavy and intense
Green / small clump – soft, warm, clinging to my tongue
The piece of clay with tried with KL was wrapped up into a piece of paper with a print on it for a longer time, and had a paper taste
It doesn’t taste like matcha tea, as I was expecting from the color
I don’t like this at all.
Мел / chalk
Глина с привкусом сельдерея
Сливочное послевкусие
Точнее послехрустие
К зубу прилипает
Необычная выставка! Первый раз узнала, что землю едят. Смогла различить только по текстуре, не заметила почти разницы во вкусе. Понравилась больше мягкая не хрустящая текстура земли. Спасибо за выставку!
Very hard, good for coffe
It is hard when you first take a bite however after a few seconds of lingering in your mouth it melts and sticks between your teeth. If you take a sip of water with it it will dissolve and melt away. I find that there isn’t much taste besides bitterness but the milky texture is intriguing.
Thank you Liv <3
Just to give a credit here: The tasting took place during Summer School in Hands-on Anthropology & Ethnographic Storytelling
It is interesting to eat this clay. Makes me think of working with pottery and never tasting it. I can imagine drinking it with coffee. It reminded me being on a construction side. Texture of European heroin.
The feedback was collected during the during the Summer School in Hands-on Anthropology & Ethnographic Storytelling in 2021, curated by Younes Saramifar
Additional feedback on the taste is available in the text by Daniel Boston:
this is amazing and much needed knowledge
thank you masharu :)*****
I tried the french green clay. it is surprisingly good
I really liked the taste of clay, once I did artwork with clay and it reminded me of that time!
It’s got an interesting taste. It was more earthy-y tasting than I was expecting. I would definitely recommend having some water ready to chase it with. I would also say the clay stays in your teeth for a long time, so you just keep repeating the taste.
very tasty
It is a … special taste
Es schmeckt scheuslich, eklig
not sure that I would try it again…
Salmiac is drop with a lot of salt, which is used for meat dishes and flavour pastries. liquirish helps to reduce gastric inflammation and stress
Like cement
schmeckt nicht mal so schlimm – wie eine Mischung aus Kandiszucker und Nüssen ohne
Geschmack ^_^
sehr lecker
sehr lecker
French Grwwn Clay ist wirklich sehr empfehlenswert, vor allem auf die zart schmelzende Konsistenz ist zu achten. Im Geschmack eher dezent, dafür abr ein unvergessliches Schluckerlebnis.
French Green Clay schmeckt besser als der Sand am Meer.
hat gut geschmeckt! 🙂
5 sterne would recommend sehr gemundet und ich finde 3 michelin sterne oassen gut
es ist sehr lecker.
es schmeckte interessant
spannend, konsistenz wie weingummi
nussig, klebrig wie toffee
Crunchy 🙂
Schmeckt nach Magnesium. Mein Gesicht hat sich verzogen. Wasserzufuhr im Nachhinein erforderlich. 5\10
würzig. wie knete.
I like the texture. It is sticky. Fresh watery taste. Nuts. It sucks up. Walnut. It is very dry. Sticky and then dry.
It feels like I know why they put it into face mask. It is like dry mad.
You can draw with it.
licorice root
trocken und sandig
my favourite, tastes nutty
Mega! Schmeckt neutral mit einer sanft mehlig, nussigen Note. Beim Reinbeißen knaksen die Zähne bisschen mit, das ist lustig. Coole erfahrung. Ist sicher auch als Gesichtsmaske super!
This tastes very unique
Taste impressions from Designkwartier Den Haag curated by Satellietgroep, 2017:
Leuk. texture
knapperig, ziet er lekkerder uit dan het is
Het smaakt naar niets;)
Very sticky. Immediately makes the mouth dry (M) It’s nice to put it into the mouth and let it melt.
Taste impressions from Designkwartier Den Haag curated by Satellietgroep, 2017:
Very soft
vegetal/plant/Root > spinach?
Taste impressions from Designkwartier Den Haag curated by Satellietgroep, 2017:
Beetje kleierig
zachte smaak.
Vreemde twist bij de koffie
Leuke ervaring!
Taste impressions from Designkwartier Den Haag curated by Satellietgroep, 2017:
it tasted like nuts!
Erde ist mein Leibgericht, miammiam miam
Nuß muss man probieren
tastes like death
Es schmeckt erdig
und trocken
a little bit like bread, sticky
Anfangs sehr gut und auch angenehme Konsistenz, aber etwas sandig im Abgang.
consistency like an old bubblegum, sticky, bitter aftertaste
Silk, buttery, melts in your mouth