XI Brazilian Symposium on Soil Education, Palmeiras de Goiás
The installation of the Museum of Edible Earth was presented during the XI Brazilian Symposium on Soil Education. The audience of the symposium was invited to taste the earth samples at their own risk, as well as share their own stories connected to the earth eating traditions and cultural practices. During the symposium the audience contributed with their feedback on the taste of earth, which became be a part of the Museum of Edible Earth digital online database.

The XI Brazilian Symposium on Soil Education (XI SBES) addressed the construction of the concept of soil in the multidisciplinary nature present in diverse areas, such as basic and higher education, agriculture, rural extension, urban soils, indigenous lands, inclusion and gender equality. During the event a number of art-science collaborations took place through performance, poetry and installation. The audience of the symposium are academics, researchers, teachers, educators, creatives, along with the general public.

The Brazilian Soil Science Society (SBCS) was created in 1947 to bring together people and institutions in the promotion and development of Soil Science in Brazil. It is a non-profit scientific and civil entity currently headquartered in the Soil Department of the Federal University of Viçosa-MG.