OSTEN Festival, Germany
The OSTEN Festival opens a dialogue about the history, present, and future of “the East”. It brings together artists and local communities to address thought-provoking questions about identity, history, and the future. What does “the East” mean in a modern context? What can we learn from the past, and how can we shape the future? During the festival, masharu showcased their Compost as Superfood project.

Compost as Superfood explores the creation of human-made, earth-like substances designed for voluntary humxn consumption. It highlights the potential of compost as both a sustainable resource and a superfood. The project sparks critical reflection on the safety, cultural complexities, and environmental implications of consuming organic materials, encouraging viewers to consider the evolving relationship between humxns and the earth.

Compost as Superfood offers an innovative approach to sustainability, food, and waste. By interacting with the project, visitors were encouraged to think about the future of consumption, the art of composting and its role in restoring soil health and transforming organic waste into a potential nutrient source and our relationship with organic matter.

More information: OSTENfestival