Museum of Edible Earth x Fabrika
There are several podiums in the center of the Arthouse hall, on which various types of soil, earth and chalk are laid out in plastic containers. On each box the name and number of the sample. All breeds are edible. Everyone can not only eat the earth, but also appreciate its taste, thereby taking part in the study of the artist masharu. It is not the first year that the girl has been collecting such samples from all over the world, tasting them herself and offering them to others. It has over 400 types of edible soil in its collection. And the exhibition of the “Museum of Edible Earth” presents about a hundred.

Photos by Tanya Sushenkova
You can evaluate your feelings after tasting on a special game scale placed on one of the walls. The main criteria are feeling (temperature, dryness, weight, texture), sensations (at home, spirituality, harmony, doubts), associations (taste, water, landscape, etc.), astringency (fruits, bread, oil, sulfur, spices, dessert, etc.). In a word, the scale is unusual – each criterion is divided into subspecies, and it is felt that they were composed by the artist. But by the number of stickers, you can understand that the intuitive scheme of taste sensations works.

Photos by Tanya Sushenkova
To participate in the study, you need to write the sample number on a colored sticker and stick it next to the taste that caused this or that association. Marshmallow, however, was not on the list of options.
More information: Fabrika